Jump Into Live Event Painting
Hello! Welcome to my very first blog post. I decided to start this blog to document my journey into Live Event Painting!
Let me start at the beginning. Who am I?? My name is Rachel and I’m a portrait artist. My studio is in the beautiful Holland, MI. Aside from painting I keep busy being a mother to my 6-year-old son and my almost 2-year-old daughter! I’m also a wife to a very supportive husband who encourages me even when my ideas seem a little wild!
I have been drawing, painting and trying all sorts of different mediums since I could hold a pencil/paintbrush. I started focusing on portraits when I was in college, mainly drawing or painting for my friends and family. Word spread, and soon I was creating pieces for coworkers and beyond!
Portraiture has always been exceptionally rewarding. Most of the portraits I have done have been to memorialize people or pets that have left us. I’ve been told that my portraits have brought their memories to life and that means so much to me to be able to do something so meaningful!
So, why the jump to Live Event Painting? Back in 2017 I ventured out of my comfort zone and participated in the West Michigan Chalk Art Festival in Byron Center. It was way different from anything I had ever done. I went from a small canvas to a 6-foot by 6-foot space using a medium I had never really used before. I didn’t tell many people I was doing it since I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. BUT! I won the “Most Realistic” category! This really encouraged me and from there, I’ve participated in more competitions and festivals. I’ve earned the popular vote and placed 3rd a few times. Now, every year, even if I don’t place or win, I still do as many competitions as I can because I have so much fun creating something so big so fast and interacting with people walking by.
Over the last year I’ve seen a few TikToks of people doing live event painting. I was immediately intrigued and I became obsessed with researching these painters, how they do what they do, and how they started. I decided this was something I wanted to do: to take something like a portrait that not only captures a very special moment but to do it live, interacting with guests and letting them watch it unfold in front of their eyes. What a unique way to create something so meaningful!
So how do I do it?? How in the world do I take the leap into painting live at people’s weddings?? A few months ago I asked friends and family to send me their wedding or quinceañera pictures. From there I’ve been practicing! Painting backgrounds and placing people on top of them, painting fast while still detailed, painting with distractions (shout out to my 1-year-old who helps distract me daily in the studio!)
Now I’m to the point of trying to get the word out. I think the most challenging part of this is marketing myself and finding the right audience interested in this type of service. I’m working on it! But if anyone has any suggestions, I’m more than happy to take some advice!